All the prices below are exclusive of VAT. We do, however, offer a free local delivery service.
Delivery area includes: Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge, Sevenoaks, Maidstone and surounding areas.
Discounts are available on orders over 10 tonnes.
Prior to acceptance, all online orders will be confirmed back to you on the contact telephone number you have submitted.
If you would rather speak to us to place your order please call 01622 873231 - 6 Days a week.
Please note: all weights are approximate.
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"I'm not often moved to write thank you notes or leave reviews, but on this occasion I feel I really should. Firstly, I was staggered at how quickly you were able to deliver, withing hours of the order being placed. Then when the truck arrived the driver could not have been more helpful in dropping the load where it was needed literally saving me many hours of heavy work barrowing. Once again thank you."
Colin Billings - Nov 2020